jojo for life
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jojo for life
No smoke or Ralsei will shove a big dart in you and this willl happen
How i feel after falling and hurting my knee:
best game in 2021 i have played, late ass comment idc
i love the part where you shoot casandra's balls, I love the game and where the part i legit speedran the game, Keep up the work!
I really like the game and Eddisodes, I'm subscribed on the YouTube channel and following on New Grounds, Keep up the good work, Meanwhile this was made like 15 years ago, Still good work! [Rip Edd Gould, 1988 - 2012] Goodbye Edd, See you in the afterlife.
Heck yeahhhhh best version, Better than EX, better than normal
Chad Run
I'm crying because its telling me not too and theres an Invisible man walking pls help *crying intensifies*
how your EX rockstar boyfriend looks when he's 50 years old:
I like dogs
what else u want
Joined on 3/21/21